torsdag 2. mai 2013

My purpose with this blog

At the moment, you might call me an aspiring Author. However, I prefer not to use the word "aspiring" in this context. Why? Well, because I'm just an author, plain and simple, even though I'm currently between publishers.

My purpose with this blog is quite simply to provide my future readers with information, and possibly excerpts from my novels. 

As you may have guessed by the title of this blog, my genre of choice is Fantasy. I adore the genre, as it provides its readers with a welcome escape from reality, into a fantastical world of magic and wonders.

Currently, I'm working on translating the first novel of my "Servants of the Earth" series. The name of the series may or may not change during the course of the translating process. 

Thanks for your time!

Kind regards,

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